Monday, September 21, 2009

Praise Him Again For a Father's Heart

I praise the Lord again this morning for His father's heart. I remember a time when my boys were very young and just starting to walk. I had just walked through the front door. My wife was in the kitchen; my youngest son was sitting on the floor playing with some toys; and my oldest son was ‘tracing’ his way along the sofa. When my oldest son heard me come in the house, he turned around and reached for me with a big grin on his face and only made it a few steps toward me before he flopped face forward on the carpet. So what did I do? Did I show anger because my son couldn’t walk or scold him or call out to my wife in disappointment and ask her why she hadn’t yet taught my boy to walk? Of course not! I ran forward and scooped my son up in my arms. After some hugs and kisses, we walked around the room with daddy holding his hands. Then I had both boys in my arms. It was great! If I, as an earthly father, know how to love and care for my children, how much more does my Heavenly Father know how to love and care for me. I’ve learned from my sons that when I fall down when trying to respond to my Heavenly Father, that He is there is pick me up with care and expressed love and walk with me instead of getting angry and being disappointed. Once again, it is apparent that it’s not dependent on me or what I do, but just based upon His graciousness and because He has a father's heart. Blessed be the Lord God Almighty, my daddy.

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