Sunday, September 6, 2009

Everlasting to Everlasting

I was recently thinking about man's quest to understand space & time, light, the universe, as well as when everything came into existence. There are even different theories about what happens to time as things approach the speed of light and what will happen to the universe as time continues into the future. Though there are different theories, the Bible indicates concerning the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, that from everlasting to everlasting You are God. It's clear that whenever 'time' actually did begin - God was already existing and that whenever time ends, He will continue to exist forever. Even concerning 'light' itself, the first book of the Bible records it came into existence when God said "let there be light" and "there was light" (or literally: "light be" and "light was"). Imagine that, when nothing else existed, God was already existing and at some point He said, "light be" and "light was." Light continues to expand or "to be" at 186,000 miles per second. Wow! It is a sure thing that God was "being" before anything else existed & that he will continue "being" after everything we see and wonder about is gone. Blessed be the Name of the Lord! From everlasting to everlasting, You are God!

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