Friday, September 25, 2009

Praise Him ALL of the Time

He is worthy to be praised at all times! I praise Him today! Now today is a cleaning day. Although we clean things all of the time, there are also some special days for cleaning. The first time the idea of 'cleaning days' really 'hit home' for me was shortly before my oldest son was born when I lived in Michigan. Sue was in her "nesting" time and I was minding my own business doing things in the garage I thought were important when she appeared at the door, looked around the garage and declared, "this place is a pigsty." All of my logical and well reasoned responses including what I thought was the clincher (the baby is not going to sleep in the garage) brought the rejoinder of, "you can clean it or I will." So I assured her I would and convinced her to go back into the house. As I was cleaning, I started thinking about my family that was about to increase in size, I started praising the Lord & even got some music going! I discovered that even 'cleaning days' go better and seem somewhat shorter when I praise the Lord while involved in the task. Who knows, maybe the reason I cleaned the garage so long that day was because I had to at least wait for the praise & worship tape to end before I was done. Wow! The music was bouncing off the garage walls and I was enjoying cleaning!! If you have something unpleasant to do, remember to praise the Lord and see if it doesn't go better and maybe even quicker for you. Have a great day praising Him all of the time and in everything you do!!

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