Saturday, September 19, 2009

Praise Him For the New Creation

I had trouble going to sleep last night. I wasn't worried or concerned; or in pain; or anything like this. I had trouble going to sleep because I was so excited. I ended up praying in the Spirit for some time as once again my mind was overcome with the idea that I am actually a new creation in Christ Jesus! I read a remark by a brother in Christ that the same Spirit Who birthed me into the body of Christ is the same Spirit Who conceived Jesus! I started thinking about when I was 'born again' into the body of Christ. Paul talks about the new creation being a species of being that never existed before (in one translation). How did this come about? It was all by the grace of God. It is His plan for me. I couldn't have come up with this idea even on my best day. None of the enemies of God could imagine such an idea and had no inkling of the awesome plans and true greatness of God. Wow!! I didn't deserve or earn the new birth. I just accepted the fact that my Father God did it for me. I accept the fact that Jesus is Lord and I do believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead. Will you join me in this tremendous gift? I'm looking for all of the brothers and sisters I can get. Praise the Lord!!

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