Monday, September 28, 2009

Praise Him on Mondays

Alright - another day for praising the Lord. To be quite honest, if I were judging when I should praise the Lord based on how a day is going, this Monday morning hasn't been 'up to snuff' and I must admit some Mondays are just like that. However, since I praise Him because of Who He is, it's a great day to praise Him! Come to think of it, this day is subject to change, whereas, He never changes. He is always faithful and He is always here (that is to say - where ever I am). Not only is this day subject to change, it will change. This reminds me of one of what has become one of my favorite expressions in His unchanging Word -> "it came to pass." This may seem to be a strange scripture at first view, but think about it. Whatever is happening now (for me, Monday), it will come to pass.
So if your Monday isn't 'quite up to snuff' just remember that it, too, will "come to pass" and while you are waiting, the Lord God Himself is right here with You and He isn't changing at all. Have some quality time praising the Lord today!!

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