Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Praise Him on Both Sides of the Clouds

I remember a time recently when I had to take a flight. The weather was really nasty with low visibility & I noted it seemed very dark for the time of day. I was beginning to wonder where the sun was as I had a chill in my bones & increased pain in my arthritic knees. I must admit my mood was definitely 'down'. However, shortly after we took off & the plane broke through the clouds I had to shade my eyes & partially close my window shade as the sun seemed to shout, "HERE I AM". It was striking to me as I could even feel warmth on my arm as the sunlight was smiling through the partially closed window shade. Then of course I admitted that the sun was always there, even when I was on the ground feeling 'blue'. It sometimes seems, that's how it is with the Lord, too. Our immediate circumstances may seem to make it appear that God is not there, but hey - He is. Even though I cannot always see or sense Him, He is there. It doesn't matter how I feel or what has happened that may seem to block Him from my view. Even if there is a 'cloud cover' of circumstances - He is there! I've decided to praise Him on 'both sides of the clouds'. Blessed be the Name of the LORD!!

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