Friday, October 16, 2009

Father God Running

Wow! What an awesome Father God we have! I was thinking back over my childhood recently. Have you ever been in trouble with your father before? Have you ever felt like you were in so much trouble that just thinking about what a punishment may be just sent you into a daze? Have you ever heard those awful words "Just wait till your father gets home?" Have you ever rehearsed what you were going to say to your father when you were in trouble & having that empty, sick feeling that no matter what you said, you were still going to 'get it'? Well, I must admit that I have had these feelings before (more than I care to admit). That's why when I read the story in the Bible that most call "The Prodigal Son", I tend to think of it more like "The Awesomely Merciful Father." Just think about it - this young man had wasted everything that had been given to him & all his 'so called friends' were gone; he was starving to death even though working hard in a job he just hated; & then he came to his right mind & made a decision that he would rather be his father's servant than die. All this time that he was suffering, he didn't know his father had been longingly looking & waiting for him to come back so he could restore fellowship with him. My experience has taught me that this is exactly how Almighty God is toward me. I've learned that when I fail Him & feel like running away or trying to make up some excuse, that He's always there running toward me when I turn to Him for restored fellowship & He always accepts me into His arms. What an awesomely fantastic Father God we all have!!

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